Obamacare Cardiac Coverage 11-07-16

In this Michael P. Ramirez cartoon, a man has collapsed spread-eagle on the floor, face up, tongue dangling out of his mouth, with one shoe off, gripping a bill in one hand, clutching his chest with the other. His colleague explains that he saw his new insurance premiums. Obama leans forward and says, "Good News! Heart Attacks are covered under Obamacare..."
Obamacare Melts Down
From the November 7, 2016, issue of THE WEEKLY STANDARD.9:00 AM, OCT 29, 2016 | By THE SCRAPBOOK
When Obamacare was first passed, Vice President Joe Biden famously said it was a "big f—ing deal." Now, though, there's a surprising level of bipartisan agreement that it's a big honking disaster. There had been many warning signs, but last week it became official: Obamacare premiums are going up next year by an average of 22 percent. And bear in mind this is an average. Our colleague Mary Katharine Ham wrote an eye-popping column at the Federalist about how her own Obamacare premiums are increasing by 96 percent in the coming year.
Dramatic premium increases—and remember President Barack Obama repeatedly promised that premiums would go down by an average of $2,500—seem to be the straw that broke the camel's back. The same liberal health care wonks who engaged in years of economic sophistry in defense of Obamacare have finally stopped pretending the law is an epic achievement. Obama himself recently compared his signature reform to Samsung's spate of cell phones that have been exploding and catching fire.....read more
From the November 7, 2016, issue of THE WEEKLY STANDARD.9:00 AM, OCT 29, 2016 | By THE SCRAPBOOK
When Obamacare was first passed, Vice President Joe Biden famously said it was a "big f—ing deal." Now, though, there's a surprising level of bipartisan agreement that it's a big honking disaster. There had been many warning signs, but last week it became official: Obamacare premiums are going up next year by an average of 22 percent. And bear in mind this is an average. Our colleague Mary Katharine Ham wrote an eye-popping column at the Federalist about how her own Obamacare premiums are increasing by 96 percent in the coming year.
Dramatic premium increases—and remember President Barack Obama repeatedly promised that premiums would go down by an average of $2,500—seem to be the straw that broke the camel's back. The same liberal health care wonks who engaged in years of economic sophistry in defense of Obamacare have finally stopped pretending the law is an epic achievement. Obama himself recently compared his signature reform to Samsung's spate of cell phones that have been exploding and catching fire.....read more