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GOP IV 07-24-17 See Michael's latest cartoons HERE
GOP and their extraordinary efforts to save a Democrat mistake
Conservative Columnist: After Years of Obamacare Promises, Force These GOP Senators to Vote
Guy Benson Posted: Jul 24, 2017 1:05 PM And now, a practical follow-up to my item this morning about CBO's deeply misleading and flawed projections of coverage in a post-Obamacare world. Democrats have been beating the drum about 22 million people "losing coverage" under the GOP plan, causing angst among wavering Republicans. But that talking point is rooted in an unsupportable fiction, as exposed by Avik Roy over the weekend. Anxious Republicans may also be spooked but the horrific polling numbers attached to their Obamacare alternatives, which can largely be traced back to lockstep liberal opposition, incoherence on the Right, and the GOP's confounding unwillingness to proactively sell their bill while forcefully rejecting lies about it. But even the most timid of Senate Republicans should not mistake status quo bias and discomfort over replacement proposals with enthusiastic support for the wheezing, imploding status quo. As I also highlighted earlier, that's emphatically not the case: Guy Benson ✔@guypbensonCNN poll: Barely over 1/3 of Americans want GOP to abandon #Obamacare repeal. Majority favor repeal, split on timing of replacement. If barely more than one-third of overall voters favor abandoning 'repeal and replace,' imagine how few Republican voters feel that way. Elected GOP legislators ought to take note. On that note, Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly Strassel penned an acidic column late last week, aggressively calling out upper chamber lawmakers who are standing in the way of essential healthcare reforms. I made some similar arguments in my commentary last week, but Strassel puts a finer point on these contentions, aggressively naming na |