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Case of the Cursing Cheerleader 06-29-21The Supreme Court rules for cursing cheerleader and allows transgender bathroom rights.
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JUNE 28, 2021 BY PAUL MIRENGOFF POWERLINE SUPREME COURT DECLINES TO REVIEW TRANSGENDER BATHROOM CASE Today, the Supreme Court denied the school board’s cert petition in Gloucester County School Board v. Grimm. That’s the case in which the Fourth Circuit ruled that the board violated the Equal Protection and Title IX rights of a female who identified as male when it assigned multi-user restrooms on the basis of sex and made single-user restrooms available to all students. Only Justices Thomas and Alito dissented from the denial of cert. All three Justices appointed by Donald Trump — Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett — went along with the decision not to review the case. Trump strongly criticized George W. Bush for appointing John Roberts to the Court. But Bush, in two tries, succeeded in nominating one very strong and reliable conservative Justice — Samuel Alito. It’s far from clear that Trump was able to do so in three tries. read the rest at Powerline Alito Concurrence in Off-Campus Cussing-Cheerleader Case By ED WHELAN National Review June 23, 2021 In today’s ruling in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L., the Supreme Court, by a vote of 8 to 1 (Justice Thomas in dissent), held that a public high school violated the First Amendment rights of a student when it suspended her from the cheerleading team in punishment for vulgar language and gestures that she sent to her Snapchat friends during a weekend trip to a local convenience store. read the rest at National Review News and Views From Around the Web:
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