Welcome to the official home and wonderful world of America's premiere editorial cartoonist, Pulitzer Prize winner Michael P. Ramirez, daily contributor to the Las Vegas Review Journal
05-27-21 The Loonier EclipseMarjorie Taylor Greene’s thoughtless antics have once again eclipsed the GOP’s standing.
News and Views From Around the Web:
The Wuhan story now — JOHN KASS, JWR
The Triumph of Thomas Sowell - John Steele Gordon, The New Criterion Enough of Fauci's lies — MIRANDA DEVINE, NY POST Will the madness of 2020 last? — VICTOR D. HANSON, JWR Red States Lead Recovery: 17 of Top 20 States Led by GOP Washington Times Minerals Processing: The Missing Middle Step In U.S. Battery Ambitions Gen. Michael Hagee & Drew Horn, RCEnergy Emails Reveal Biden Did Meet With Son's Business Partners Josh Boswell, Daily Mail China's regime rewrites WW II — A.E. CLARK, LAW & LIBERTY Trump, Newt, & 2022 — BYRON YORK, EXAMINER Biden Shut Down Wuhan Inquiry Out of Spite, Forced to Reverse Course NY Post Facts Show Iran Still Wants Nukes Tom Ridge, National Interest Contributed by Sam Jacobs:
Nationalism vs. Patriotism: What's the Difference and Why it Matters AMMO.COM The terms “nationalism” and “patriotism” are often used interchangeably. This is understandable, as they have somewhat overlapping meanings, both of which suffer from a certain amount of vagueness. However, there are a number of key differences between the two that are worth shedding light on. read more Cultural Marxism's Origins: How the Disciples of an Obscure Italian Linguist Subverted America Ammo.com |
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